Finding Independent Escorts

Whether they’re independent classy amateurs or escorts that have been cast and work for a discreet elite international escort agency, AmorousHug are plenty of gorgeous blondes and brunettes out there to satisfy your dirty secret fantasies. The best escorts will take the time to communicate with you before you meet and will only accept a meeting if they feel comfortable. They’re vetting you just as much as you are vetting them and no top escort will allow herself to be used if she doesn’t think you’re a good match for her.

ways to find escorts on social media

Generally, independent escorts will have their ads on classified sites such as backpage (although this isn’t the best option for anyone given the way they’re constantly demonized for being associated with pimping and underage prostitution). The other way an independent can find clients is by creating her own classic escort website and promoting it online, which takes quite a bit of time and money to set up.

Escorts can also be found in venues such as strip clubs and massage parlors where they will usually be able to provide clients with the full experience including a sexy encounter and sensual touch. Most of these venues will require a fee to enter, but it’s often worth the price for a chance to get to know the escort in a setting that she’s more familiar with. Independent escorts tend to charge less for their services than escorts working for agencies because they don’t have to pay any percentage of the fee to their handler.