Discover Health and Wellness Review

discover wellness

There was a lot of buzz going around about Discover Wellness during my pregnancy. I watched their infomercials, read their many articles, and even bought the book by Carol Foster (with a ton of testimonials). After doing some more research on the company, I learned that this company was created by Lisa Olson, a certified nutritionist. She created the Discover Healthy Body program to help get rid of some of the challenges a lot of people have when it comes to losing weight. She wanted to help people achieve their goals without putting their health at risk, which is why she put together a program that is both safe and effective.



The program has four components that are designed to get you healthier in as little time as possible. The first component of the program is a body analysis which will tell you your nutrient needs. They described what a complete body analysis is and how the advantages it offers at the start of the Discover Wellness system. They shared some before and after pictures of people who had done the program, which include not just weight loss success but also permanent weight loss. This program stresses the importance of eating whole foods and getting regular exercise, since these are proven methods to lose weight and stay healthy.


The second component of the Discover Wellness Program is a meal plan that gives you the nutrition you need each day and fits into your busy schedule. This meal plan was carefully designed to make shopping easy and enjoyable. You can use this meal plan in conjunction with the exercise plan to make sure you are getting the most out of your efforts. The last component of the program gives you tools to help keep track of your progress. The tools include a notebook and a weight scale, and an online calculator that helps you determine how much weight you have lost.

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