With how to report scammer on whatsapp of users, the popular messaging app WhatsApp is a prime target for fraudsters. Scammers employ various tactics to steal personal and financial information from unsuspecting victims. In this article, we’ll teach you how to report scammer on whatsapp.
Criminals often pose as a trusted individual or well-known entity, such as a credit card company or government agency. They use fear and urgency to prompt a victim to send money, typically demanding it urgently due to an unpaid bill or other unspecified charge. During the coronavirus pandemic, for example, digital crooks sent messages claiming a family member was in danger and needed money for a vaccine or test.
Guarding Your Chat: How to Report Scammers and Protect Others on WhatsApp
Another common scam involves cybercriminals impersonating members of WhatsApp’s support team. They send the victim a link to a fake support site and ask them to verify their identity or click on a verification code. Once the victim clicks on the link, a malware program is downloaded to their device. The crook then uses the software to access the victim’s voicemail, retrieve the verification code, and gain control over their account.
Another way to prevent this type of extortion is to set up two-factor authentication on your WhatsApp account. This security measure requires a separate mobile phone number and password to access your account. This can be a big deterrent for hackers, who are less likely to be successful if they have to also hack into your friend’s device to access your WhatsApp profile. Additionally, setting up a pin code on your voicemail box can block crooks from breaking into your account by accessing your voicemail.